RPX Courier Transport Tracking

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Customer Service

CITY / TownJakarta
Email Address[email protected]
Phone Number0 800 1 888 900, 02175911800
Head OfficePT ANTAREJA PRIMA ANTARAN, RPX Center Building, Jl. Ciputat Raya No.99, Pondok Pinang, South Jakarta 12310

Main Website Link: https://www.rpx.co.id/

Also Track: OnPoint Express Logistics Tracking

RPX Courier Online Logistics Indonesia

A pioneer in one-stop logistics delivery supports industry and trade in both domestic and international goods exchange with over 30 years of experience in Indonesia. Their administrations include land transportation, air and ocean cargo around the world, contract coordinated operations, production network the board, as well as travel warehousing and strategies. By bringing transporting development that upgrades business processes, they furnish clients with encounters that work on the transportation interaction. 

Serving both business and purchaser markets, they stand out by using present day innovation to change homegrown and global transportation into a proficient and adaptable cycle. With a devoted labour force of north of 1,700 representatives spread across more than 40 urban communities all through Indonesia, they guarantee the conveyance of products and fulfillment to clients inside the country as well as across the globe. Their emphasis on coordinating arrangements through one-stop operations mirrors their obligation to consolidating vital preparation with cutting edge innovation and a committed labour force. 

Thus, they offer the best coordinated factors arrangements, building up their situation as pioneers in the field. Their devotion to quality help, skill, and a resolute obligation to their central goal guarantees that they keep on gathering the developing requirements of their clients, giving solid and creative planned operations arrangements that drive outcomes in both neighbourhood and worldwide business sectors.


International Express

Giving quick and dependable worldwide conveyance administrations, Global Express offers a consistent association with business sectors around the world. 

Logistic Warehouse

The Strategic Stockroom administration offers thorough capacity arrangements custom-made to address assorted issues. It facilitates smooth and effective supply chain operations by optimizing space and ensuring quick access to stored items. 

Distribution – Trucking

It gives a broad organization of ground transportation choices, conveying merchandise to different areas with accuracy and dependability. It assumes a basic part in interfacing providers to clients across tremendous districts. 

Domestic Express

Homegrown Express spotlights quick and trustworthy conveyance inside the country. This service delivers packages quickly to customers and businesses alike, ensuring that they reach their destinations on time. 

International Freight

For large-scale cargo, International Freight provides comprehensive shipping options. It gives businesses the freedom to select the most time- and cost-effective shipping options. 

Customs Clearance

Exploring the intricacies of global exchange, Customs Leeway administrations guarantee that products go through customs easily and without delays. 


The Enabler service aims to give businesses more power by giving them the tools and support they need to make their logistics operations work better. This assistance incorporates different coordinated factors capabilities, offering arrangements that improve effectiveness and smooth out processes, permitting organizations to zero in on their centre exercises while guaranteeing a consistent production network on the board. 

Transit Warehouse

The Travel Distribution center helps work with the impermanent stockpiling and the executives of merchandise on the way.

Sales Promotion Kit

The Sales Promotion Kit service provides individualized logistics solutions for marketing and promotional materials. With meticulousness and ideal execution, this assistance assists businesses with really arriving at their main interest groups.